This advertising playlist automation software manages available ad spots, exports in multiple formats, generates custom reports, and includes graphical schedules.

The program's functionality includes individual characteristics for each ad spot, automatic compilation of available commercials, and personal settings for each ad. The software also includes a built-in report generator that allows users to edit report forms, composite commercials that include more than one file, and the use of "DJ's text" instead of a file.
Furthermore, the software allows users to manage customers and managers while having sections for ad spots. This feature is helpful because it allows the base to lead to several radio stations, and spot groups can be created for better organization. The program also provides users with the ability to remove unused clips in the archive with the possibility of recovery.
Other features of the software include automatic calculation of costs using tariff plans and the ability to play files. With these functionalities, the software provides a comprehensive solution for managing advertising playlists.
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