TCAD is a user-friendly and efficient component for vector graphics programming. Its capabilities enable users to interact with shapes using both mouse and code, streamlining the development process and increasing productivity. With TCAD, users can expect to save valuable time while producing high-quality apps.
One of the most notable benefits of TCAD is that it can save you a significant amount of time when creating vector graphics. You can draw shapes on the designer canvas using mouse actions or code, and modify them as needed. Plus, the program can support multi-layered designs, letting you print, delete, or make layers visible or invisible. You also have access to a wide range of colors, styles for pens, and brushes necessary for your designs.
With TCAD, you can create text objects with any font installed on your system and access essential shape action-related events that are published. Not only that, you can use page formats, including A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, and letter, as well as custom sizes. The program lets you undo actions while cutting, copying, pasting, or deleting shapes, and you can order shapes with commands like SendToBack, BringToFront, and more. You can rotate, drag, and scale shapes with ease and align them in any style you want.
TCAD also features a powerful inspector that lets you lock or unlock shapes, view hotspots, and create user-defined custom shapes. You can snap the mouse point to grids and shape outlines and easily create your library with its Library creating tool(GUI). The program also supports dynamic link lines and line crossing/breaking and up to 24 gradient style fill modes.
You can save your drawings as disk files or streams(database), print them to a printer and/or plotter, insert bitmaps, scale, rotate, and drag them like shapes, and export the drawing as WMF, Bitmap, JPG, DXF files, and more. The software also provides hints when the mouse enters a shape, grouping and ungrouping the shapes, and zooming and panning to view the drawing at any scale. All in all, TCAD is a highly effective software component that offers everything you need to create stunning vector graphics applications.
Version 2013.7: [VCL] TCAD xp.i.5 upgrade. . 2009-08-20. . Upgrade information:. . [+]Support Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010. [+]Add saving file of XML format in "Editor Demo"