TinyBooks Pro is a user-friendly bookkeeping and accounting software for Mac that focuses on simplicity and efficiency. Ideal for any individual or small business owner, it enables users to handle financial tasks without any unnecessary complexities or bloated features.

One of my favorite features of TinyBooks Pro was the display of current and year-to-date on-the-fly totals. This feature made it easy to keep track of expenses and income as well as see monthly financial trends with fully automatic bar-charting. Additionally, TinyBooks Pro comes with a non-modal Reports Window that offers standard and custom reporting and searching for easy access to your financial information.
Exporting your financial information is a breeze with TinyBooks Pro. All transactions are easily exportable to other programs as standard tab-delimited text files. Plus, expense, income, and special mileage entry forms can be printed for off-line entry of data as desired.
TinyBooks Pro includes a professional invoice printer that is as easy to use as the rest of the program. The invoice printer produces professional-looking invoices and estimates on plain white paper, eliminating the need for special, expensive forms. Additionally, the program also comes with professional check printing, interim form printing, color-coded months, reconciliation checkmarks, extended transaction limits, and much more.
What's more, TinyBooks Pro offers intuitive support for handling virtually any kind of taxes from any country, including State Sales Taxes, GST (Goods and Service Taxes), PST (Provincial Sales Taxes), VAT (Value Added Taxes), and more.
Based on years of experience doing the books, TinyBooks Pro is exclusively written for the Intel-based Macintosh running OSX and is available now. Overall, I was incredibly impressed with the ease-of-use of this software and would highly recommend TinyBooks Pro to anyone looking for a simple and powerful bookkeeping and accounting system.
Version 8.0.8: New Release: TinyBooks Pro for Intel-based Macintosh running OSX 10.6 or higher. Improved Invoice Printer, Professional Check Printing, Color-Coded Months, Reconciliation Checkmarks, Mileage Handling (Business, Charitable and Medical), Interim Form Printing, Extended Transaction Limits, etc..