WebSundew offers a web data retrieval solution that allows integration of web-enabled applications into a single point of reference without the need for programming knowledge.
WebSundew can effectively unite various web-enabled applications into a single point of reference without making any changes to them. This web-data management tool also enables co-workers and business partners to be connected via existing web HTML-based applications. WebSundew has applications in data aggregation and market intelligence, and is of great interest to a variety of commercial or state enterprises.
WebSundew allows you to extract unstructured HTML data from any web source and save it in a CSV, XML or spreadsheet format. All you need to do is use the template wizard, which records your web navigation in a chain-like way. First, the wizard records your web navigation, and then you specify the root element of the first page that returns the required information. Next, you pick on output file dimensions and the elements that link your current page to the page to be extracted. Finally, you configure the data output format and run the extraction. The whole process takes far less time than a tedious cut-and-paste process.
WebSundew features a built-in web browser and automatic iteration for linked pages. In addition, it allows you to use macros for automatic logging into sites and data extraction. Its user friendly and clearly structured interface is another advantage of this delicate data retriever. All in all, WebSundew is a useful data extraction tool that simplifies complex processes and saves users time and effort.
Version 2.0: N/A
Version 1.2: N/A