Create individual objects for use in other art software with a streamlined interface for modeling and painting using included brushes in Focus.

Blob Studio packs to the brim with useful features such as the ArtSet with a range of brushes for working with all aspects of blobs. Quick auto-hiding tool panels get out of the way when you don't need them. Likewise, quick Command Panel lets you configure buttons for quick access to frequently used functions. The software's extensive toolset and the powerful brush effects system is another great feature. You can choose from over 500 different effects that can be combined in 28 effect layers, each effect processed with 100+ modifiers. And layer management is simply a breeze.
TwistedBrush Blob Studio allows you to save multiple copies of your work in progress. You'll also appreciate the brush compatibility with other Pixarra Studio products. An automatic tracing paper to use as a guide and up to 9 floating reference image panels to hold reference photos when working on your art are handy inclusions. The Sketchbook system automatically saves your work, allowing you to switch pages in your book with a single key press. Additionally, you can save your work to a range of standard image formats.
Working with symmetry couldn't be easier with all the standard Blob Studio brushes. You'll also appreciate the 64bit color painting system, which provides the smoothest blends available anywhere. In summary, TwistedBrush Blob Studio is a perfect choice for creating custom objects that work in other art software. The software's streamlined interface and packed features are sure to help you take your artwork to the next level.
Version 4.10: New features are added, some features are improved, and bugs are fixed
Version 3.03: New features are added, some features are improved, and bugs are fixed
Version 2.17: New features are added, some features are improved and bugs are fixed
Version 1.21: New Product