This software allows you to sell or rent computer time for Internet cafés or computer kiosks, using one-time passwords for set periods or tracking individual usage for billing purposes.
The first method consists of generating a list of passwords. Each password grants access to the computer for a period of time of your choice, and it can only be used once. This feature enables you to sell passwords and, therefore, sell the use of your computer for specific periods, making it ideal for internet cafes, computer kiosks, and situations where you want to control how long a child uses the device. Besides user passwords, the software also offers administrator and supervisor passwords that allow unlimited access to the computer and control panel.
Computer Rental Controller's second method allows you to create and store a list of permanent passwords. Each password can be used an unlimited number of times, and when a person gains access, the software starts tracking how long that person stays on the computer. With this information, the software is capable of generating a report where you can see how long each individual used the computer for, which allows you to bill each person according to their use of the computer when it suits you.
The ability to control the use of your computer's time is especially helpful for business records. The software keeps running records of when the computer was accessed, making it easier for you to manage records and keep track of the device's uptime accurately. Overall, Computer Rental Controller is an essential tool that enables you to quickly and efficiently rent or sell computer time.
Version 6.5.0: N/A