The Cyber List Manager efficiently manages large mailing lists, with the fastest filtering capabilities available. It is capable of managing over 300 million contacts on a standard PC with ease.
The professional version of the Cyber List Manager software includes an additional bonus pack of 10 million bulk mailing lists, which are kept up-to-date on a regular basis. These lists have been compiled with care to ensure there are no rubbish addresses or duplicates and have been tested for valid addresses at the time of extraction. While the odd few non-valid email addresses may be encountered due to email users moving, in general, most of the list offers a great turn out for any email campaign.
After running these lists through the Cyber List Manager package, it was shown to be more effective than other vendors' email lists, which were advertised as "clean." Moreover, this software is capable of effectively handling tens of millions of email addresses, unlike other programs that may not have the capacity to manage such large volumes of data.
Filtering 10 million email addresses using a Pentium IV computer with 3 Gigabyte of internal memory usually takes around 12 minutes to remove bad emails and duplications. In comparison to other software available, competitors' programs will often take an hour or even two hours to filter one million names, let alone 10 million! Moreover, some other programs will report an out of memory error when trying to handle large numbers of email addresses. By comparison, the Cyber List Manager filters 300 email addresses in just 36 hours, which is a record in itself.
Overall, the Cyber List Manager software is an excellent tool to streamline the management of large mailing lists and make email marketing a lot more efficient. Its speed and effectiveness are unmatched, and its added bonus pack of clean mailing lists makes it an exceptional choice.
Version 7.0.2006: None