This software allows precise scientific calculations with arbitrary precision. It supports many functions, fractions, periodic numbers and has portrait and landscape modes with different computation precisions. The calculator can handle up to 100 decimal places and 9 places of exponent.

One of the most impressive features of HiPER Calc is its ability to display up to a hundred decimal places and 9 digits of exponent. You can switch between landscape, portrait, and expanded window formats, and choose from several graphical themes.
The calculator includes basic operations such as percentage, modulo, and negation, as well as unlimited number of braces, operator priority, and repeated operations. Additionally, you can perform advanced number operations such as random numbers, combinations, permutations, and common greatest divisor.
HiPER Calc also offers goniometric and hyperbolic functions, powers, roots, logarithms, degrees, minutes, and seconds conversion, and display exponent as SI units prefix. You can work with fixed point, scientific, and engineering display format, and enjoy mixed and improper fractions, periodic numbers, and their conversion to fractions.
Memory operations are also available, with 10 extended memories, clipboard operations, hot-keys, and tool tips with clear descriptions. Furthermore, you can access result history, binary, octal, and hexadecimal numeral systems, logical operations, and bitwise shifts.
If you need access to fundamental physical constants, HiPER Calc has got you covered. You can use the "always on top" view, and customize display numbers precision, full-screen mode, decimal and thousand separators, and more.
Currently, the roadmap for HiPER Calc includes implementing statistical functions, complex numbers, expression evaluation, graphs, and many more. If you're interested in finding out more about this versatile and useful scientific calculator, you can check out the HiPER Calc home page.
Version 2.3.2:
- repeated operations (K)
- last operation indicator
- 'always on top' setting
- bug fixes and minor improvements