Image Folio software allows unlimited image support with options for resizing and fitting images in four different ways within rectangular shapes. This software is xml driven.
The rectangular shape that appears on the stage serves as the placeholder for the image folio at runtime. It acts as a mask and defines the area where the images will center align. To achieve desired results, users can resize this shape and tweak the "w" and "h" variables in the file. The file is also customizable, and configurations such as border width, corner radius, label distance from the bottom edge of the image, and shadow distance from the same edge are adjustable.
The software offers four scale modes, which are similar to the ones used for the Stage.scaleMode property. These are showAll, exactFit, noBorder, and noScale, and in every mode, the image will center align. The default scale mode is showAll, which users can change to the desired mode within the file. The file also contains comment lines for each variable included, which when tweaked, can achieve different results.
Customizing the appearance of the Folio is a breeze, as users only need to edit Library symbols located in suggestively named folders. The software is easy to use and comes complete with a package that includes FLA, which opens with Flash 8 and Flash CS3. The AS version is ActionScript 2.0, and it's viewable with Flash Player 8 and above. In conclusion, the Image Folio software is an incredibly useful tool and a fantastic addition to any image management system. Enjoy the experience with this new release by OXYLUS.
Version 1.0: N/A