mISV Download Tracker is a tool that helps you monitor the number of times a resource on your website has been downloaded from any source. It tracks program or software downloads by logging the number of downloads in its system.
The best part is that the mISV Download Tracker effectively utilizes your website’s log files without requiring you to change any HTML files or insert any JavaScript. With this software, you will get comprehensive analytical data including who visited your site and who downloaded the resources you selected for monitoring. What’s more, the software allows you to know the number of times a resource was downloaded either partially or fully.
With the current version of mISV Download Tracker, you will have access to all the detailed information present in your log file. But the company always seeks user feedback and suggestions for further enhancement of the software. The goal is to continually provide additional data that can help you pinpoint where your resources are being downloaded.
To test all of its amazing features, you can download the free trial version of mISV Download Tracker right now. You will experience how effective and productive it is in helping you to take the guesswork out of download monitoring and make more informed decisions.
Version 2.0:
mISV Download Tracker has undergone a massive improvement in performance as well as data gathering and presentation enabling the user to quickly analyse where their monitored resources are beoing downloaded.
New graphs and tables for Shareware Sites, Search Engines, Other Known Referrers included.