This software helps families worldwide budget their money and track their expenses for financial stability. Don't confuse earning money with having money – let this tool help you avoid careless spending and lack of budgeting skills.
My Budget Keeper can be utilized as a personal expense tracker or a family budgeting tool. The software comprises of four modules- Incomes, Expenses, Persons, and Reports.
The Incomes module displays your family finances and available funds. You can add and track sources and the amount of incoming money. The Expenses module shows all the purchases and payments made by different family members within a specific period. You can leave a comment for each expense indicating what kind of purchase it was, whether a credit card was used, and if it was personal or intended for the entire family. The Persons module is used to enter different family members. Lastly, the Reports module is the essence of My Budget Keeper, where you can get four basic reports with graphs that show a detailed breakdown of your financial situation.
The Persons report is particularly helpful and provides insights into who are the biggest spenders and thriftiest people in your family. You can also see what portion of your family income goes towards family purchases. The Expenses report offers a detailed breakdown of your spending habits, with an option to compare expenses on a month-to-month basis. The other two reports are the Incomes report and the Incomes/Expenses report. You can also customize graphs for your specific needs.
My Budget Keeper software is designed for unsophisticated PC users, with a noticeably uncomplicated interface and a low learning curve. The software is reasonably priced and isn't bloated with extraneous unnecessary options, making it a must-have for effective financial management. Get your financial health on track with My Budget Keeper!
Version 1.1: Added printing graphs
Version 1.0.1: Added printing graphs
Version 1.0: Added printing graphs