OutlookDisclaimer formats and brands outgoing email and can be used without a mail server. The client-based tool allows users to see what they send out.
The message processing is performed on the client PC, but the network administrator can manage the settings using a central ini-file stored on the file server. You can use Exchange mailbox properties or Active Directory fields in your email text, even including HTML formatted data stored in the active directory fields.
Using this tool ensures that everyone within your organization uses the same centrally stored disclaimer, company logo, signature, and email layout for every email sent. You can also promote your upcoming events or run advertising campaigns by including links to your web server in every email that some or all users send out. Overall, OutlookDisclaimer allows for a streamlined and unified email communication between all employees.
Version 4.0: N/A
Version 3.32: N/A
Version 3.31: N/A
Version 3.30: N/A
Version 3.27: N/A
Version 2.26: N/A