Sketch Master is a free software that allows you to easily convert photos into sketches to surprise and impress your friends. Version 4.0 also allows you to create amazing animated sketches in GIF format.
What types of sketches can you create, you ask? Well, this software offers a variety of options, including pen sketch, pencil sketch, pastel sketch, and brush sketch. And best of all, it's completely free to use!
Want to surprise your friends with a unique and personal gift? Convert one of your cherished photos into an excellent sketch that they'll love. Plus, with the latest version (V4.0), you can even create amazing animate sketches with GIF format for an added touch of creativity.
Overall, this software is a fantastic tool for anyone who wants to create stunning sketches from their photographs without the hassle or expense of traditional art supplies. Give it a try and see for yourself!
Version 4.0:
1,you can use the Pastel style to make a sketch in this free version.
2,you can use custom texture in the free version.
Version 3.51: Resolve bug : Get 3 side-by-side compressed images instead of one full size when use a 8 bit bitmap to convert sketch.
Version 3.5:
add texture effect
debug a bug in freehand function
Version 3.21: 3.2
Version 3.2: 3.2
Version 3.1: 3.1