Rental Property Manager is a comprehensive software solution designed for managing rental property information. With RPM, users can easily store and handle data related to properties, tenants, and financial transactions, all from one central database.
With RPM, you can store and manage data about your properties, tenants, and financial transactions. The software features advanced reporting functions, allowing you to generate spreadsheets with rental information relevant to your needs. Whether your property portfolio consists of residential, commercial, rural, or varied assets, RPM is customizable to grow alongside your portfolio.
The software provides a wide range of functionalities for managing data about each of your properties. This includes general address data, specific notes, customizable lists of assets and property dimensions, as well as full inspection records with file spacing for digital photos of your properties. RPM also makes it easy to manage tenant data, linking tenants to properties, and recording general tenant and tenancy information.
RPM provides an extensive financial management tool, allowing you to keep track of your property's income and expenditures. The software's Automatic Calculate Rents function provides fast updates of who owes you rent while the RPM Planner provides an event calendar for scheduling property inspections and other events.
Finally, RPM is equipped with a reporting system that delivers comprehensive information about your properties, tenants, assets, expenditures, and more. Its easy-to-use interface and intuitive design make it an ideal tool for property management.
Version 3.0:
Bank Accounts
Additional reports including Owner reports
Property units
Significant performance improvements with large numbers of properties
Check cancellation
Windows 10 compatibility
Additional customisation and filtering for grids
Additional user options