SWF Compressor by Eltima Software is an optimization tool for web masters, web programmers, and anyone using Flash content online. It allows for easy reduction of file size without compromising quality, making it a valuable tool for optimizing Flash content.

One of the best features of SWF Compressor is that it uses various algorithms such as vectors, shapes, morphing, Z-buffer, fonts and other optimizations to minimize loading times and web traffic. With a range of options, it's easy to choose the settings that work best for your particular needs.
Another positive point about SWF Compressor is that it provides users with detailed information on the structure of the movie. Users can easily see the size of shapes, images, morphs, sounds, fonts and other elements. More than that, it's possible to determine the size difference of the entire movie and its separate components before and after compression.
Even if you don't have any prior knowledge of Flash technology, SWF Compressor is still accessible. It has a variety of compression settings that are straightforward and easy to use. Plus, SWF Compressor supports Flash 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and Action Script 2 and 3.
The software's user interface is user-friendly, with options available across two tabs. Users can access advanced functionality for separate file compression and batch SWF compression. All in all, by using SWF Compressor from Eltima Software, you can reduce the size of your Flash file within minutes and minimal quality loss. Additionally, the software supports new command-line options and can handle Flash 10, so you can have even more control over your content.
Version 2.1:
- Added: Flash 10 support
- Added: new command line options
Version 2.0:
- Added: full Flash 9 support
- Several image compression improvements
- Improved: sound and video optimization is enhanced greatly