Create printable web pages instantly and allow visitors to easily share HTML pages via email, driving targeted traffic to your website.
The cross-referencing feature of web2printer is also noteworthy: every hyperlink on the page is included and displayed at the bottom of the generated page. Additionally, the resulting page includes your copyright and the URL of the webpage.
The inclusion of a "mail this article to your friends" button could lead to a significant boost in returning traffic to your website. The script is incredibly easy to use: simply download it and put it on your website, then enclose the parts of the HTML pages you want to print with the appropriate tags.
You can enclose as many parts as you like, and there are virtually no limitations on the possible number of times you can use the script. Finally, it's important to note that the requirements for web2printer are minimal: you only need an Apache-based web host, a properly-configured PHP interpreter, and PHP configured to access your mail server to use the unique email feature.
Web2printer will work with both static and dynamically-generated HTML pages, as long as you can put a hyperlink on the page. Overall, this is an excellent tool that will enhance the user experience for your website visitors, and potentially increase traffic to your website in the process.
Version 3.1: N/A