Protect your internet privacy and PC security with our software. Easily clean up your browser's history, cache, cookies, and past Windows activity to ensure your online activities remain private. Additional features include AutoComplete Forms and Passwords and Index.Dat cleanup.

With Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro, you can expect a high-quality browsing experience that is free from unnecessary clutter and data buildup. This is a must-have tool for anyone who uses the Internet, whether for business or personal activities.
One of the best things about Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro is its compatibility with popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Opera. This means you can enjoy faster and more secure browsing no matter what your preferred web browser is.
Even if you are comfortable performing cleaning tasks manually, Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro can streamline the process for you. This program is designed to protect your privacy by automatically cleaning up unwanted history data and internet tracks on your computer.
In addition to cleaning your cache, cookies, and history, you can also erase visited URLs, typed URLs, autocomplete data, index.dat, temp folders, run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents, and more. With its cookie cleaning feature, you can even specify which cookies to keep so that you don't erase important login data accidentally.
Another great feature of Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro is its ability to customize system folders, such as History and Favorites, and IE title bar text. You can also set the program to automatically clean your files when Windows starts or shuts down.
Most importantly, Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro adheres to the US Department of Defense and NSA clearing and sanitizing standard. This means that once deleted with Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro, your file data is gone forever and cannot be recovered.
Overall, Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro is a great software solution for anyone looking to enhance their privacy and security while using the Internet. It comes with an attractive Windows XP-style interface and is easy to use, making it accessible to all. And with its latest version 3.22, adding features such as "Scramble file/folder name" and "Support", the software is up to date with the latest digital security trends.
Version 7.5: added support for Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox 3, Google Chrome 2, Opera 9 and Win7