A software tool that lets users manage open windows or applications through command-line functions, providing greater flexibility in easily accessing and manipulating various programs.

This tool renders several options for its users such as dumping the current Auto Logon username and password, enabling the Windows Auto Logon, specifying the username and password for Windows Autologon and disabling the feature altogether. It should be noted that the changes made to the Autologon username and password are effective only after restarting the system, and subsequent logins will be automatic.
This software is incredibly user-friendly and easy to operate, and its command-line-based interface makes it perfect for automating Autologon settings. What’s more, this software is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, and supports all Windows operating systems, including Windows XP to Windows 10. In conclusion, having Windows Autologin Password installed on your system would surely benefit you in several ways.
Version 4.0: Mega 2019 release featuring fully portable version without installation