AXCAD is a CAD software that is compatible with AutoCAD commands and DWG files. It is an affordable alternative for CAD users, supporting LISP, ADS development, and AutoCAD 2009 DWG format.
In addition, AXCAD is highly compatible with AutoCAD commands – the two softwares share a high degree of compatibility in this area. This means that if you're used to using AutoCAD, you won't need to spend too much time learning the ins and outs of AXCAD.
AXCAD also supports LISP and ADS development, which can be useful for developers looking to customize the software to their needs. Finally, the software features the ability to export DWG to PDF, which can save you time and make your workflow more efficient.
One other big advantage of AXCAD is its speed. According to some reviewers, the software launches much faster than AutoCAD, which can save you precious time during your workday. Specifically, reviewers have pointed out that AXCAD can launch in just 5 seconds, compared to AutoCAD's 45-second launch time.
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