BioChem 1stRespondER (tm) assists healthcare professionals in handling chemical and biological warfare attacks. The latest version includes 20 additional agents.
One of the standout features of BioChem 1stRespondER is the sheer amount of information it provides. With version 2.0, the software now includes 20 new agents, bringing the total up to 55 biological and chemical agents. This comprehensive database includes first aid and hospital ER care information on each agent, including drug and dosage recommendations.
The software also provides recommendations on useful lab tests to run, as well as cautions to help protect rescuers and caregivers as they deal with these dangerous substances. Additionally, BioChem includes recommendations on disaster planning and how to react to a nuclear plant attack or a "dirty bomb" explosion.
For those dealing with HAZMAT incidents, BioChem also works seamlessly with WMD SWAG. This software can calculate the most likely agent involved in an incident based on data you observe and enter in the field. Both desktop and handheld versions are available, and if you opt for the handheld version of BioChem, you can quickly switch between the two programs without having to navigate through your main menu each time. Overall, BioChem 1stRespondER is an essential tool for any healthcare professional who wants to be prepared for chemical and biological warfare attacks.
Version 2.0: Added several new agents.