This software offers 765 unique and 87,210 fully editable vector icons in various formats. It accommodates applications that require specific ASCII characters and also includes raster formats like ico, psd, png, bmp, gif, jpg, and icns.
This icon collection was specifically designed to cater to applications that require specific ASCII characters in their interfaces. It also features next-generation icons both for the web and Windows users.
Aside from the sheer number of icons in this collection, what makes it impressive is that it provides developers and designers with a unified programming model for building rich Windows smart client user experiences. This includes incorporating user interface, media, web, and documents.
The graphics vector formats included in this collection are Adobe Illustrator (.ai), Microsoft Design (.design), Xaml (.xaml), Adobe Flash (.swf), and Adobe Freehand (.fh11). On the other hand, the graphics raster formats included are Icon (.ico), Adobe Photoshop Layered (.psd), Portable Network Graphics (.png), Bitmap (.bmp), Mac Icon (.icns), Jpeg (.jpg), and Graphics Interchange Format (.gif).
As for sizes, this collection boasts a variety of options including 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 72x72, 128x128, and 256x256, as well as MultiSize options such as 16x24x32 and 16x24x32x48. Icons also come in various states such as Normal, Hot, and Disabled.
In total, this icon collection contains 87,210 files. If you're in search of high-quality and versatile icons that are compatible with a broad range of software and applications, this collection is definitely worth considering.
Version 2: N/A
Version 1.0: N/A