This software helps SQA, PMs, and programmers count lines of code in their source, specifically for Java language. It provides comprehensive reports that include percentages for blanks, comments, and source lines. It is user-friendly and allows for exporting of all reports.
The software is incredibly easy to use, and users can quickly and easily get a report on Java source code with the help of Code Line Counter Pro. Key features include the ability to count Java language, version comparison, support for command line, support for subfolders count, and a full report on the code.
The full report provides an overview of the number of source code lines, the number of TODO lines, the number of blank lines, the number of mixed lines (code and comments), and the percentage of comments, blanks, and source code. Additionally, the report can be sorted by any column of the table, and users can count totals in the report (sum total, percentage).
All reports generated using Code Line Counter Pro can be exported to a variety of formats, including Excel, plain text, and HTML. Overall, Code Line Counter Pro - Java Version is an incredibly useful tool for anyone who needs to review and analyze project source code.
Version 7.5: N/A
Version 7.3: N/A