DBF file structure is a feature-rich and enduring format that remains relevant in the rapidly evolving information processing realm.
The built-in dbf editor of DBF Manager offers safe and secure access to the internals of the dbf file format, which is generated by a variety of applications including Clipper, dBase and Visual FoxPro. The software offers a wealth of sophisticated features that includes complete support for data structure modification as well as comprehensive data editing and search-replace features that are carefully tailored to suit the data type of interest. For instance, the data type of date has a convenient calendar display for editing.
The software's memo viewer doubles up as a memo editor, and the appropriate data types automatically appear in an edit memo field. Common index searching combined with an ultra-fast text search algorithm results in lightning speed data searches in any selection of database fields. DBF Manager also supports filtered searches and searches within scopes, and all dbf view search results can be printed if required.
Aside from dbf file data manipulation, DBF Manager supports a wide variety of data import and export formats and offers encryption and decryption of databases. The software has a comprehensive set of database index-related tools, and the easy-to-use index manager performs on-the-fly re-indexing and index rebuilds from an open dbf file. The software also allows a wide variety of index file types to be opened, modified and viewed, making it an essential tool for anyone who works with DBF databases.
Version 2.90: Fixed bug with losing values in Character field when changing table structure;Fixed wrong codepage detection;Fixed set read-only mode;Added multi-column sorting
Version 2.84: Fixed bug with selecting index tag in Set Relation dialog;Fixed bug with Master/Detail reports;Fixed issue with code page when structure is changed;Fixed import from xlsx files;Fixed issue with exporting to xlsx file format
Version 2.46: Fixed bug with saving error log in case of importing problems; Fixed bug with replacing data in multi-selected columns; Fixed bug with simple columns sorting; Added saving/restoring simple sorting(column) index into/from workspace files; Fixed small problem with exporting; and more
Version 2.45: Fixed bug with dbf structure reading; Added import from xlsx files; Fixed bug in table designer max size of field name is 10; Improved saving memo data; Improved memo drawing; Improved behavior of grid with memo fields; Some cosmetic improvements
Version 2.4: Fixed bug with exporting dbf files to Excel file format; Added new setting in Options for showing trailing decimal zeros; Fixed problem with restructuring of numeric fields; Improved structure changing for numeric fields; Improved report designer; Some minor bugs were fixed
Version 2.3: Fixed bug with saving empty data to memo field;Fixed bug with using regular expressions in replace dialog;Fixed problem with restructuring of numeric fields;Improved support of Windows 7;Some minor bugs were fixed;Some cosmetic improvements
Version 2.1: Fixed Vista thumbnail problem when window is minimized;Fixed memory leaks;Fixed bug with showing and sorting all records when filter was set;Fixed bug with setting filter iteratively;Fixed bug with double file extension when workspace is saved;Many others...
Version 2.0.67: Fixed bug with Pack function when an index was active;Fixed bug with Case sensitive option in Find/Replace function;Fixed bug with sorting fields with long size;Fixed bug with shortcuts F1 and F11;Fixed bug with adding index tags; And many others changes. See news at program's site for more info.
Version 1.35: Fixed bug with viewing file structure when file has duplicate field names; Fixed bug with selecting all records; Improved speed of deleting bulk records; Added field moving in Table structure designer; Added index tag adding and removing; Redesigned index manager; Some minor bugs were fixed.
Version 1.31: Fixed bug with FoxPro 2.x files; Fixed bug with altering structure of Clipper/dBase III files; Fixed bug with memo flag when altering table structure; Improved speed of structure altering; Some cosmetic improvements; Some minor bugs were fixed