Dynamic Copyright It! software enables quick addition of copyright notices onto images without the need of image editors. Users can effortlessly use the program or integrate it with their websites for enhanced functionality.

One notable feature of Dynamic Copyright It! is its ability to integrate with other scripts. This means you can easily edit the copyright text of images throughout your entire website, without having to change each image manually. Not only can you use the program yourself, but you can also add it to your web sites to enhance their functionality.
Another benefit of using Dynamic Copyright It! is its simplicity. The program allows you to enter the copyright text, choose the font size, and select the color of the notice. This ensures that your copyright details are displayed exactly the way you want them to be.
All things considered, Dynamic Copyright It! is a must-have tool for anyone looking to add copyright notices onto their images with ease. Its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other scripts make it a top pick for those who value efficiency and functionality.
Version 1.0: None