Fully functional and free to use software products, categorized as true Freeware, offered for unrestricted use without trial periods and evaluation limitations.
What makes these products stand out is that they are truly Freeware products. This means that you can use them however you wish, without any hidden fees or costs. Whether you're a developer, student or just someone who wants to add some cool functionality to your website or application, these free Java Applets are a must-have.
Included in the Free Applet package are several great products, such as a Free Scrolling Text, Free Tree Menu and even a Free Java Game called Alien War! The bonus doesn't stop there, as users can also enjoy A220 Mission1 - an additional free Java game that provides hours of entertainment.
To sweeten the deal even further, users will also receive a 20% discount voucher that can be used on the purchase of any Jpowered product. This is a great opportunity to get the full Jpowered experience while also saving some money.
In summary, the Free Applet package from this software company is a must-have for anyone who wants quality and free Java Applets. With a variety of great products to choose from and a bonus discount voucher, it's a win-win situation for anyone who needs to add some cool functionality to their website or application.
Version 4.2: The Free Applet package includes the following:-. . Free Scrolling Text . Free Tree Menu . Free Java Game - Alien War . Free Java Game - A220 Mission 1 . . Additional Bonus - a 20% Discount Voucher which may be used on the purchase of any Jpowered product. .