Graphic Icon Set is a high-quality stock icon pack that can be used for commercial and personal projects, such as software apps, websites, and presentations. The icons feature a bright color scheme and smooth, well-rounded edges.
By incorporating these icons into their projects, developers can achieve a professional look and feel without the need to hire a designer or spend hours designing their own icons. The Graphics Icon Set is available in 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 128x128, and 256x256 sizes in both Windows XP and 8-bit formats.
The set includes a variety of graphic icons such as open file, save file, brush, pen, pencil, eraser, help, transparency, camera, scanner, options, settings, eye, and more. Developers can easily choose the main icon for their application from the extensive collection.
The upcoming Windows Vista requires 265x256 icon sizes, and the Graphic Icon Set has got developers covered with this size included. Aha-Soft is planning to release additional icon packs in the future, including Application Toolbar Icons, Professional Toolbar Icons, Button Toolbar Icons, Trash Toolbar Icons, Factory Toolbar Icons, Love Toolbar Icons, Software Toolbar Icons, Stock Toolbar Icons, Cool Toolbar Icons, and Developer Toolbar Icons.
Overall, the Graphic Icon Set is a high-quality, versatile collection of icons that will help developers take their projects to the next level.
Version 2013.2: The price of the collection was reduced by 50%.