Lexitron is a puzzle game that merges Hangman, Mastermind, and Minesweeper games. The game requires players to use their vocabulary and deductive reasoning to solve puzzles while racing against the clock.
The game generates a puzzle by first choosing a master word that serves as the spine of the puzzle. This word is then placed on the board vertically, as indicated by the blue column on the puzzle board. Next, the game selects words that have at least one letter in common with the master word, and the location of this common letter determines the word's placement on the board.
Players can utilize the letter count indicators surrounding the puzzle board, which tell them how many duplicate letters each word contains and how many letters the selected word has in common with the words directly above and below it. This provides some helpful clues during the game.
As players enter their guesses, Lexitron provides feedback by displaying correct letters in green, correct letters but in the wrong position in red, and incorrect letters in yellow. The blue column remains the same color until all its letters are correct, so players may not be certain they've solved a word correctly until the puzzle is complete. With a little deductive reasoning and a good vocabulary, players can race the clock to solve Lexitron's puzzles.
The game keeps track of both game time and individual word time so that players can assess their performance at the end of each game. Overall, Lexitron is an engaging puzzle game that challenges players to think creatively and sharpen their language skills.
Version 1.11: N/A