Overboard, a Czechoslovak board game released in 1984, is a variation of Alex Randolph's Overboard game from 1978. Notable differences include varying captains and rule modifications, particularly in the final row.
Luckily, the PC version of the game has revived the game and allows players to face off against another opponent or the computer. The goal of the game is to push all the opponent's stones from the "overboard" area. In the case of the selected version B, the winner is the player with more stones in the desktop area. Stones are only able to push the same or smaller number of enemy's stones out.
The PC version also includes the option to start a game with randomly mixed stones in any number. Additionally, there are detailed rules of the game available in Czech, English, German, and French directly in the game. Controls for this game are simple, only requiring the use of the mouse and arrow keys on the keyboard.
Overall, Overboard is an engaging and exciting software game that preserves the essence of the original board game. Its simple gameplay and range of features make it an entertaining prospect for anyone looking to indulge in a classic game of strategy.
Version 1.2: Improved: Artificial Intelligence