PDF OCR Compressor is a Windows program that lets you convert image files to PDF directly, without needing Adobe Acrobat. It supports various image formats, including TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, WMF, EMF, PDF, PCX, and PIC, and provides compression options like JBIG2 and JPEG2000.
PDF OCR Compressor (JBIG2, JPEG2000) comes equipped with an impressive set of features to make the conversion process simple and quick. Users have the ability to combine multiple directories and images into one PDF file, and can convert multi-page TIFF files into PDF format. The software also supports a variety of different functions, such as automatic despeckling and skew-correction, merging several image files into a single PDF file, and password protection with 40- or 128-bit encryption.
Other helpful features include the ability to specify any resolution in the generated PDF file, as well as paper size, rotation, and margins. Information can also be set into the PDF, and bookmarks can be created. Additionally, PDF OCR Compressor (JBIG2, JPEG2000) supports PDF splitting and merging.
Overall, PDF OCR Compressor (JBIG2, JPEG2000) is a powerful software tool that makes the conversion of images into PDF simple and efficient. The software's flexibility and ease of use make it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a comprehensive image to PDF conversion solution.
Version 2.2: N/A
Version 2.1: PDFA, JBIG2, JPEG2000, JPEG2K, compression, compress PDF,Image,convert,PDF,electronic books,tif to pdf,bmp to pdf,Image to PDF,BMP to PDF,TIFF to PDF,JPG to PDF,PSD to PDF,GIF to PDF,PCX to PDF,PNG to PDF,PDF E-Book Maker,Image To PDF,OCR,searchable,text,Image2PDF,TIF TO PDF, JPG TO PDF, GIF TO PDF, PNG TO PDF, BMP TO PDF, PSD TOF PDF, WMF TO PDF, EMF TO PDF,PCX TO PDF, PIC TO PDF ,convert pdf,create pdf files,append pdf,pdf creator,make PDF documents,PDF Writer,combine pdf