Picture Reporter is a software application that enables users to create photo albums or reports with customized captions and comments. Users can share their creations with others.

This program retrieves pictures from various sources with just one click, including the floppy drive, CD, or hard drive, and allows users to easily select any pictures they want. Users can print pictures from 1-up to 8-up on a page, and each picture can include a title and/or comments above or below the picture. Each page can have a single or split header and a footer, and font type and size are easily changed.
Users have the flexibility needed to create just the right look, as pictures can be rearranged by swapping or "scrolling." The software offers printing options including preview with zoom and range of pages to print, and supports paper sizes of letter, legal, and A4.
In addition to adding pictures to a project, Picture Reporter also allows users to add blank frames that can be used as guides when pasting in a photo. When saving a picture project, users have the option of saving the pictures with the project or simply saving a link to the pictures, which takes considerably less disk space. The software also supports exporting to Microsoft Word.
Although online help is available by pressing the F1 key or clicking the Help button, Picture Reporter is so user-friendly that it rarely requires access to help features. This program is straightforward and produces great results.
Version 1.5.0: 1.4.0. New release.
Version 1.4.0: 1.4.0. New release.