Pretty Icon Maker is a user-friendly icon/cursor editor software that offers a variety of drawing tools and effects for creating high-quality icons effortlessly. It features anti-alias technology and produces stunning, professional results.

One of the key features of Pretty Icon Maker is its ability to create, extract, and convert all icons from black-white to 32-bit color depth. Additionally, there is a comprehensive collection of drawing tools and effects at your disposal. All drawing tools have anti-alias and smoothness functions, and there are excellent 3D gradient effects for you to utilize.
Some of the other key features of this software include: strengthened support for Windows XP Icons, support for all icon formats (Windows and Windows XP with Alpha Channel), and support for crystal effects.
Pretty Icon Maker has the ability to import/export PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, PCX, TIF, and TGA files. It also contains several icon image filters and adjustments, such as blur, smooth, sharpen, hue, brightness, and contrast. There are also several icon image tools available, such as resize, rotation at any angle, and flip.
If you're looking to create Windows XP compliant icons, Pretty Icon Maker can help with its built-in drop shadow effect. This program can also extract icons from DLL, EXE, OCX, CPL, and SCR files.
Another great feature is the ability to edit many icons at once. You can also capture images of various sizes from your desktop, web pages, or other software. And if you need to insert text, it's easy to do with Pretty Icon Maker.
Overall, if you're in the market for an icon/cursor editor, Pretty Icon Maker is definitely worth checking out. Its comprehensive set of features make it a powerful tool for creating icons with ease.
Version 1.5: N/A