Software Toolbar Icons is an affordable and comprehensive collection of high-quality, handcrafted icons designed for software developers and webmasters. Created by expert artists, the set covers a wide range of software-related themes, offering a cost-effective way to enhance any application or website. Don't miss out!

Every user appreciates intuitive interfaces that do not take hours to get used to. This can be achieved using large, detailed icons that unambiguously show what functions perform and how they are grouped in the work area. Software Toolbar Icons is a commercial set of great-looking icons created by professional artists for professional developers and webmasters. The set covers a wide range of software related topics - from standard file operations to Internet browsing, from playing multimedia files to building graphs and much, much for more!
Each icon in the collection has been drawn by hand and contains a surprising level of detail. Users can choose from 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 icons supporting 16 and 256 colors, as well as 32-bit True Color. In addition, each item is provided in three different states - normal, disabled, and highlighted - which enables you to develop the visual aspect of your solution even further by pointing users towards the button they need to click or areas to pay more attention to.
Finally, all icons are available in ICO, BMO, GIF, and PNG formats, providing a wide range of options to choose from. Software Toolbar Icons is an excellent option for developers creating new products who need a set of icons related to general software features. If you want to save time and money while entrusting the appearance and usability of your application into the hands of professional artists, then Software Toolbar Icons is the perfect choice.
Containing dozens upon dozens of vivid and highly detailed icons, it will cover any possible need and fit any application or website. Solve your icon-related problems once and for all with Software Toolbar Icons.
Version 2011.1: 4 icons have been updated in Software Toolbar Icons