Standard Business Icons is a set of visually appealing icons for software and website usage. It includes Business, Finance, Transport, Money, and Reports categories and provides various sizes and formats for easy integration.
The icons are grouped into categories such as Business, Finances, Transport, Money, Computer, and Reports. These icons are carefully designed pixel by pixel by a team of professional artists. They shine with a bright palette of colors and have smooth and well-rounded edges that give them a superb quality look.
The product offers a perfect solution for developers who need to create an interface for their projects without hiring a designer or wasting time on designing icons themselves. The software provides a professional feel right out of the box, helping developers make their web products and software more modern and attractive.
The color formats available include 32-bit True Color (16.7 million colors with transparency) and 8-bit formats. Plus, the software has five different size options for each icon set, including 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, and 256x256.
The tool features icons for or transportation and financial categories like dollar, euro, yen, money bag, money, ATM, cash register, payment, piggy-bank, safe, diamond, balance, bank, bank note, bundle of bank notes, brief case, calculator, calendar, credit, fax, handshake, book, books, bus, car, lorry, fork-lift truck, pick-up, trailer, excavator, helicopter, hand cart, coin, coins, fengshui coin, cell phone, phone, open door, lock, open lock, key, keys, home, tank, watch, heart, airplane, ship, train, panel truck, satellite, database, search, engineer, managers, options, settings, monkey wrench, wrench, screwdriver, brush, pen, pencil, properties, mouse, globe, Earth, compass, armchair, microscope, camcorder, printer, server, notebook, e-mail, recycling, bull, music, and more.
Furthermore, Aha-Soft plans to release other icon sets like Music Icon Set, Building Icon Set, Internet Icon Set, School Icon Set, Mobile Icon Set, Phone Icon Set, Program Icon Set, Email Icon Set, Gallery Icon Set, Funny Icon Set, Cute Icon Set, Hand Icon Set, Arrow Icon Set, Network Icon Set.
In conclusion, Standard Business Icons is a valuable software with stunning icons that deliver exceptional functionality. It is highly recommended for developers seeking an effortless way to make their products more professional and functional.
Version 2013.1: 3 icons have been updated.
Version 2010.1: 2 icons have been updated.
Version 2009.1: A new set of 38 business icons is released.