Our Auto Dealers (National) Database List offers 103,665 records of Car Lot leads and Auto Dealers across the US. This Automotive database can be downloaded in CSV, MySQL, and other formats to meet your needs.
Most dealerships typically stock their new and used inventory in a showroom, where customers can view the car's price and the key features that are required by federal law to be shown. Many salespeople at these places work on commission and the profit margins on sales are generally low, with dealerships only marking up their prices by around 1-2% above the manufacturer prices.
In order to make sales, dealerships often have to borrow money from the manufacturer and pay interest until a sale is made. Fortunately, manufacturers may offer "hold back" payments to dealerships that reach certain target levels, which can help balance the costs.
One of the many advantages of buying a car from a dealership is the financing options that they offer. Many dealerships will provide customers with financing plans and sometimes, a deal can be made with 0% interest. Additionally, many dealerships also offer insurance options to encourage customers to make a purchase as insurance can be a costly affair.
To further incentivize sales, some dealerships may offer types of maintenance as an added benefit to clients. This gives the customer peace of mind, knowing that they can rely on the dealership to handle any specific repairs. With professionally trained mechanics to fix vehicles, buyers can feel confident in their decision to purchase from a dealership. The comprehensive information provided in this database will make it much easier to identify and locate the right dealership for a buyer's specific requirements.
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