This software is a driver for CGI::Session, designed specifically for Oracle data management. It allows users to integrate Oracle databases into their CGI::Session applications seamlessly.
To get started, simply use the following syntax:
$s = CGI::Session->new('driver:Oracle', $sid);
You can also pass in additional parameters to configure the driver, such as:
$s = CGI::Session->new('driver:Oracle', $sid, {
DataSource => 'dbi:Oracle:test',
User => 'sherzodr',
Password => 'hello',
$s = CGI::Session->new('driver:Oracle', $sid, {
Handle => $dbh
Additionally, if you prefer to use the "new" constructor instead of the "->new" method, you can do so as follows:
$s = new CGI::Session('driver:Oracle', undef, {
TableName =>'session',
IdColName =>'my_id',
DataColName =>'my_data',
Handle =>$dbh,
Overall, the CGI::Session::Driver::oracle is a reliable and easy-to-use driver that is definitely worth considering if you need to work with Oracle in your Perl CGI applications.
Version 1.02: N/A