This software offers flexible data conversion capabilities from various databases and file formats to others such as Oracle, SQLServer, Access, and more. Output formats include CSV, XML, HTML, PDF, and Excel, among others.
One of the primary functionalities of this software is the ability to transfer data from one database to another or file with ease. There are five conversion types you can choose from: append new data, update target with matching source data, append and update, delete matching data, or copy all source data to target.
You can also import data into many different file types, including XML, HTML, PDF, RTF, Excel, and others. It automatically maps fields between source and target datasets, and you can customize how field data is being converted using over 200 functions including database, character, and datetime functions. The data filtering feature allows you to specify which data will be converted from the source dataset.
This software also allows you to execute converting jobs automatically on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. It also allows for custom execution flows. Additionally, you can easily circumnavigate data from row to column.
Finally, this software is highly compatible, allowing you to read from a variety of databases including Oracle, SQL Server, Access, MySQL, Text(Csv), dbf, Foxpro, Paradox, SYBASE, DB2, Informix, Interbase. You can also write data into Oracle, SQL Server, Access, MySQL, SYBASE, DB2, Informix, Interbase, dbf, Foxpro, Paradox, Text(csv), PDF, Excel, HTML, XML, RTF, SYLK, DIF, Lotus 1-2-3, QuattroPro, SPSS, LDAP. Overall, if you need to convert data frequently from different sources, this software is an excellent choice.
Version 3.1.241: N/A
Version 3.1.240: N/A
Version 3.1.238: N/A
Version 3.1.234: N/A
Version 3.0.227: N/A
Version 2.3.223: N/A