This theme for GTK 2.x is inspired by the "carbonfibre" design by Emrahunal, offering a sleek and modern aesthetic for your software interface.
GNOME is a component of the GNU Project, and it is compatible with multiple Unix-like operating systems, most notably Linux. It is also part of the Java Desktop System in Solaris. The name initially stood for GNU Network Object Model Environment; however, the acronym is now considered outdated.
One of GNOME's crucial objectives is emphasising simplicity, usability, and ensuring that everything works seamlessly without the need for significant user input. This is also the foundation of Fibra de Carbono Dark-Blue's design, with an approach that makes it easier to use while still looking great.
In summary, Fibra de Carbono Dark-Blue is a GTK theme for the GNOME desktop environment, built with simplicity, usability, and elegance in mind. With its compatibility with Linux and Unix-like operating systems, it is easy to install and use.
Version 0.5: N/A