Astro-Vision's Bengali Astrology Software offers free horoscope matching and is available in multiple languages including English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, and Hindi. It includes calculations and predictions for professional use.

This software offers an extensive database of cities around the world, which can be easily customized to meet your needs. Various ayanamsa settings are included, such as Raman ayanamsa, Chitra Paksha ayanamsa, Lahiri ayanamsa, Thirukanitham ayanamsa, and Krishnamurthy ayanamsa.
With Panchang predictions and detailed Bhava predictions based on the influence of planets on your life and character, you'll have a comprehensive analysis of your horoscope. The software also analyzes the first house to provide predictions on personality, status, and physique.
Using Vedic Astrology, this software includes details of the Dasa and Apahara (Bhukti) with information about the arambha and anthya for each Bhukti/Apahara within each Dasa period. A brief report on the effect of the current Dasa and Apahara is also included, as well as calculations for birth star and associated qualities.
You'll also find information on yoga combinations and their effects, as well as Vimshottari Dasa Periods, Bhava chart, and Sudarsana chakra chart. The dasa and dasa balance at birth are included with the rasi chart.
In summary, Astro-Vision's Professional Free Bengali Astrology Software is a comprehensive and invaluable tool for astrologers and astrology students. Start using it today!
Version 1. Added Rahu and Ketu dosha predictions. 2.Added Oriya language.