GFA Address Book is a fast, compact, and user-friendly software created using C and GTK+2. It helps users manage their contact details efficiently.
The user interface of GFA is straightforward, and you do not need any manual to get started. Creating a new contact is easy, simply click the "new" button, fill the details, and click the "save" button. If you happen to change any data or image, remember to click "save" or you'll lose the changes. The delete button removes a contact, but GFA prompts for confirmation to avoid accidental deletion. If you're not satisfied with the image selected, click "use default icon" to change it. The quit button closes GFA.
For GFA to run on your system, you need GTK+2 version 2.6.0 or later, and sqlite3 version 3.0 or later. Installation is straightforward, download the package from a mirror, extract it, navigate to the newly created directory, run "configure," "make," and "make install" as a root user. Finally, start GFA with "GFA."
There are some known bugs in GFA, such as a new contact not being sorted alphabetically until you restart the application. Additionally, the send button doesn't work properly, and you may experience image issues if the image is larger than 110x160 pixels.
In conclusion, GFA is fast and efficient software that manages your address book. It is simple to use and has an easy installation process. The known bugs do not affect its overall performance, and it still remains a reliable option for address book management. The latest update has fixed minor bugs, including one that affects contact groups.
Version 0.4.1: N/A