goGalaxium simplifies the Galaxium messenger client installation process through its user-friendly script.
What's even more convenient is that you can upgrade the source to the most recent revision with just a few clicks. To get started, all you need to do is make the script executable and launch it by terminal using the following commands: chmod +x goGalaxium ./goGalaxium.
You should note that the only requirement for using goGalaxium is having the Galaxium messenger. However, you'll be pleased to know that in the latest release of this script, some dependencies were fixed, and a new repository was added for some libraries.
Overall, goGalaxium is an efficient and user-friendly script that makes it easy to install the Galaxium messenger client. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned user, this script is an excellent option to consider.
Version 1.0.1: N/A