Hydrate is data transformation software that is fast, efficient, and error-free.
Hydrate is ideal for several different use cases. For instance, if you want to create a domain object model view over an existing database or set of databases, Hydrate provides the tools to design that model in UML and map your existing data to that model. Once your data is in the object space, you can perform complex manipulations on the objects, calculate results, and save information back to a relational cache for searching or reloading. Additionally, you can convert the results to XML for sending to downstream systems or transforming it to a readable format for display.
If your project involves taking various data files fed from external systems that you want to pull into an object model on your server, you can use Hydrate to write the results to a relational database. You can then respond to requests from external systems by rehydrating the data from its relational form and sending it out as XML documents or transform those documents to a readable format for display.
Hydrate is also perfect for building a data warehouse in which you have the broad specifications for the model but want to provide for flexibility and adaptability for future unpredictable requests. Based on a core data model, Hydrate gives you the tools to create your database schema and write information to it. Additionally, you can lay a completely different object model over the top of that schema to process the data in unforeseen ways.
In highly performance-driven environments, SQL's ability to read massive datasets row by row can lead to highly coupled code with the database, making it tough to integrate data from other sources. Hydrate permits you to perform in the object space and integrate information from other sources quickly and efficiently, enabling you to complete your calculations faster.
Overall, Hydrate is an excellent tool for developers who want fast, efficient, and error-free data transformation between relational databases, objects in an object-oriented programming language, and Extended Markup Language (XML). It is the perfect tool to take the complexity out of the decision of which basis to choose for application design.
Version 2.0: N/A