Installgen is software that applies Oracle's industry-proven methods to configure over 100 tasks required for setting up Oracle's primary and standby database servers. It offers a free demo for Windows, MacOSX, Linux, and Solaris.
This graphical application supports platform-specific functionality for Solaris, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, making it a versatile tool for DBAs. Furthermore, Installgen features improved security implementation, 15 documented database recovery scenarios, RMAN backup process, and supports multiple backup processes. It also offers disaster recovery script runs nightly, pre-install and post-install tasks support, and Oracle 9i UNDO tablespace support.
Creating standby database scripts and implementing them has never been easier. Installgen lets users set up a standby database in minutes without impacting the primary database, and manage standby database archivelogs with its menu-driven stand database management feature. Moreover, the entire process is well-documented, leaving no room for ambiguity.
Other noteworthy features of Installgen include the ability to use it to document existing configurations, review or modify generated scripts, save configurations, and easy installation. It's worth mentioning that Installgen makes use of 103 configuration parameters in over 7000 locations within the 61-82 output scripts generated. This means that errors or modifications manually made by users can cost more than the licensing cost of Installgen.
To make things even better, Installgen offers a free demo for Windows, MacOSX, Linux, and Solaris. So, if you're a DBA looking to streamline your installation process, give Installgen a try.
Version 1.75: N/A