JComponentSet is a software suite which includes a variety of Java components such as JWizardPane, JCalendar, JFontChooser, JLinkButton, JSideBar, JStatusBar, and more. It also includes layout tools like the Layout Suite, and provides widgets such as XTree, XCheckBox and AComboBox.

JWizardPane is an excellent component for creating wizards with multiple steps, while Layout Suite offers a variety of layout managers to help you arrange your components in the best possible way. JDirChooser is perfect for creating a file chooser dialog that allows users to select directories, and JCalendar is ideal for displaying calendars with different views and styles.
The JFontChooser component makes it easy to prompt users for the font they want to use, and JLinkButton allows you to create hyperlinks that users can click on. Meanwhile, JSidePane and JSideBar help you add sidebars to your UIs, and JStatusBar provides a convenient way to display status messages at the bottom of your app's window.
You can also use JImageViewer to display images in your UIs, and XTree is great for creating hierarchical trees that users can interact with. XCheckBox and XSeparator are simple but useful components that allow you to add checkboxes and separators to your windows, respectively.
AComboBox is a customizable drop-down list that lets users choose from a set of options, and JCardPane makes it easy to switch between different "cards" or panels within a single container. Finally, JGridPane offers a powerful layout manager for creating grids of components.
Overall, JComponentSet is a comprehensive software package that provides a wide range of useful components for designing user interfaces. Whether you're building a simple desktop app or a more complex application, this set has everything you need to create a great user experience.
Version 2.5: N/A
Version 2.4: New Features and Bug Fix
Version 1.8: New Features and Bug Fix
Version 1.5: New Features and Bug Fix
Version 1.4: New Features and Bug Fix
Version 1.3.1: New Features and Bug Fix
Version 1.3: New Features and Bug Fix
Version 1.2: New Features and Bug Fix
Version 1.1: New Features and Bug Fix