A software that serves as an alternative to Borland's tool, offering excellent design, mature bugless status, good performance, and a wide range of Informix Servers support. The product is packed with advanced features.
One of the most significant advantages of using the Luxena dbExpress driver is its extensive support of Informix Servers, which allows you to work with a wide range of versions and configurations. Whether you're using Informix Dynamic Server, Informix Extended Parallel Server, or Informix Enterprise Gateway, this driver has got you covered. Moreover, the driver supports a variety of advanced features such as array binding, stored procedures, and encryption, enabling you to improve the quality and efficiency of your database applications.
Overall, the Luxena dbExpress driver for Informix Lite is a reliable and high-performance solution that offers a valuable alternative to Borland's driver. With its advanced features, broad support for Informix Servers, and impeccable design, this driver can help you tackle even the most demanding database tasks with ease.
Version 1.2.14: see history of changes on product's home page http://www.luxena.com/products.aspx?product=dbexpinflite
Version 1.2.13: see history of changes on product's home page http://www.luxena.com/products.aspx?product=dbexpinflite