PerlGtk Adsense Checker tracks and displays current adsense earnings by monitoring the user's account.
With an update frequency of every 30 minutes, you have real-time access to your earnings for the day, yesterday and the current month. Moreover, you can check the last fetched information at any time by simply hovering your mouse over the application icon on your systray.
To use the PerlGtk Adsense Checker, you will need the following requirements: Crypt::SSLeay, Getopt::Long, Gtk2::TrayIcon, and LWP::UserAgent.
The latest release of this software features an important update. The login has changed, allowing it to support the new login system from Google accounts. This means that you can expect an even more reliable and efficient performance from the PerlGtk Adsense Checker.
So, if you're looking for a simple and efficient tool to manage your Adsense earnings, then the PerlGtk Adsense Checker is the software for you. Get it now and enjoy hassle-free earnings monitoring.
Version 0.1.1: N/A