Swedish-French Dictionary Database for MS-ACCESS apps with 1231 demo keywords and 34817 full version keywords, with 329678 entries. Available for Palm, PDA, and WM5.
Additionally, this software provides thesauruses for English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (including Brazilian), German, Swedish and Dutch. This feature allows users to find synonyms and related words with ease, thus improving their writing output in various languages.
Moreover, this software offers complete verb conjugation for English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (including Brazilian), German, Swedish and Dutch. This conjugation tool ensures that users have accurate and precise conjugations, alleviating potential errors in written and spoken communication.
Overall, this multilingual software is an essential tool for individuals and businesses seeking to improve their language capabilities and communication skills in various languages. Its features are easy to use and provide accurate results, making it an excellent investment for anyone requiring multilingual capabilities.
Version 1.0: N/A