UnixNPI is a free and fast package installer created for UN*Xes that is designed specifically for Newton packages. The project focuses on delivering an efficient and seamless installation process to users.
To upload packages to your favorite MessagePad, you need a Newton Package Installer, but the package installer supplied by Apple only works on MacOS and Windows. On the other hand, for Linux/UN*X users, installing packages is challenging without booting to Windows or MacOS. However, with the UnixNPI program, you can easily upload Newton packages under the Linux environment, and port it to other UN*X platforms.
Unlike other communication packages that can cause uploading slowness, UnixNPI was developed for Linux, with ported features to other UN*X platforms. The best part is, you don't require separate communication packages inside your Newton MessagePad. Instead, UnixNPI uses the built-in package uploading protocol for uploading, resulting in fast package uploading like the Windows or MacOS Package Installer.
There are several key features of UnixNPI that make it a must-have program. Its easy-to-use nature, fast package uploading ability, unlimited package size, utilization of the built-in "Connection" application, no need for additional software in your Newton, and the capacity to install multiple packages at once (batch installing) all make it stand out.
To use UnixNPI, type "unixnpi
For Newton MP2000/2100 users, tap the "Dock" icon, select "Serial," and if you have "Ser57600.pkg," "Ser115200.pkg," or "Ser230400.pkg" installed, you can select "Serial 57600," "Serial 115200," or "Serial 230400," respectively. Then, choose "Connect."
The program has undergone updates and enhancements over time, including changing the Makefile to use cc instead of gcc by default, adding a progress bar, adding -d switch specifications for device names, among other improvements. Plus, you can compile it without issues under Cygwin.
Version 1.1.4: N/A