WinFrames divides your desktop into several sections to optimize your display real estate, making it ideal for widescreen monitors. It’s a powerful tool for making the most of your screen.
One of the key features of WinFrames is its ability to split the desktop into frames. This means that each window is assigned to a specific frame, and windows in one frame will not cover those in other frames. Furthermore, when a window is maximized, it only occupies the space of the frame it belongs to. This allows you to keep multiple windows open at once without cluttering up your screen.
Another great feature of WinFrames is its ability to move windows between frames using both mouse and shortcut keys. This allows you to easily reorganize your windows without having to manually resize or move them. Additionally, you can save your current splitting profile to a file, which makes it easy to load it up again later.
Overall, if you're interested in maximizing your screen space and organizing your windows more efficiently, WinFrames is definitely worth checking out. Its powerful features make it a valuable tool for anyone who spends a lot of time working on their computer.
Version 1.0: New release