AlfaMini is a comprehensive desktop clock with features such as countdown and stop-watch functionalities.
One of the standout features of AlfaMini is the countdown timer functionality, which can be set up to trigger alarms at specified intervals. This is particularly valuable for activities that require precise timing, such as cooking or physical workouts. Additionally, the application's stop-watch functionality is excellent for timing tasks with precision.
Overall, AlfaMini is a highly efficient and intuitive desktop clock application that offers a range of features that are easy to use and practical for daily use. If you are looking for a reliable and versatile time-tracking tool, AlfaMini is a great option to consider.
Version 2.0:
- project was fully rewrited on new .net technology (C#)
- 32/64 bit support
Version 1.80:
stop-watch mode was corrected
istallation wizard was added
Version 1.75: stop-watch mode was corrected