Anasil 2.2 is a network analyzer software that includes 5 Anasil desktop agents. It helps to analyze and monitor network traffic, diagnose network problems, and optimize network performance.
For local area network supervisors, ANASIL is particularly useful for media load distribution analysis, enabling them to identify stations creating the most frame traffic. The software also offers point-to-point testing to help supervisors detect defected stations, network profile and detection to easily detect intruders connecting to the network segment, and inventory purposes.
For network programmers, ANASIL's frame grabbing and analysis tools are invaluable for testing communication between network applications running on different nodes. The programmable protocol decoder enables users to create decoders for their communication protocols, which can then be monitored with ANASIL. The software also has the ability to monitor the status of NetBIOS adapters on remote stations.
Network servicemen can benefit from ANASIL's protocol decoder and frame analysis features, which help them detect and correct network configuration problems. Point-to-point tests can also be conducted to check the network hardware.
One of the best features of ANASIL is its versatility. Although primarily a Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 application, the software can recognize not only protocols with Microsoft trademark, but it can also monitor activity of networks of the UNIX family, Novell, and Apple. Overall, ANASIL is a comprehensive solution for local area network analysis and management.
Version 2.2: N/A